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Description: It’s been a process, but hair loss technology has come a long way since the standard practice of strip hair transplant surgeries. In a fashion-conscious city like Toronto, hair transplant technologies seem to grow in popularity around celebrities and A-listers first. FUE has revealed remarkable results for those in the public eye who restore their hair using follicular unit extraction. Now it’s one of the most straightforward solutions for hair loss, available for both men and women. FUE is also the least traumatic to the scalp and carries the highest success rate yet. Read on to learn what’s exciting about today’s hair restoration surgery options. Using specialized punch tools and automated technology, the shaft and bulb of the hairs are harvested along with important surrounding tissues. The grafts are typically 1mm or less in diameter, and the graft holes close over very quickly. A tiny rotatory is punched to harvest micro-units of just 1-3 hairs at a time. Once thought to be the domain of celebrities and “A-listers”, hair transplant procedures are seeing price drops and popularity soar. They have become an option for everyone, not just those with an extraordinary amount of disposable income, in other words. With new solutions available to address hair loss, Toronto men can once again embrace the hairstyle of their dreams. Despite how prevalent it is, the impact of male pattern baldness will be a thing of the past with our belief that our procedure should not only be available for the rich and famous to afford. Whether you would love to have that sophisticated fade or sexy curls, with the FUE hair transplant you can look like a stylish celebrity too. Natural-looking and effective hair restoration solutions are now available for everyone from regular guys to A-list celebrities and offer both a self-esteem boost and a permanent solution.

Linea Directory News

February 2015 : Because of the high volume of website submissions the review queue for regulare listings is around 3 months.

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