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buy apartment in istanbul

Title: buy apartment in istanbul
Description: If your goal is residential and owning a property in Istanbul, you should know that Istanbul is a very large and diverse city. You can rent a property for $100,000 in one neighborhood, while in a neighboring neighborhood, you can rent a property for several times that price for the same area. This is because the diversity in Istanbul depends not only on the regions but also on the specific neighborhood. This is something we observe daily through our communication with clients interested in owning properties in Istanbul. Here, we can see that when a client contacts any real estate advisor and requests a property in Sisli, the advisor will present one of the above options. If the client contacts another advisor, they may receive different options with significantly higher or lower prices than the first advisor. In reality, both advisors may have reasonable offers, but a client who does not realize this point may think that one of them is exaggerating the prices!

Linea Directory News

February 2015 : Because of the high volume of website submissions the review queue for regulare listings is around 3 months.

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