Linea Directory

Top rated personal trainers in the City of London

Title: Top rated personal trainers in the City of London
Description: Located 5 minutes from Bank, Liverpool street and Moorgate tube stations, The Cut Gym is a 5-star Google rated personal training studio offering body transformation packages tailored to your goals. It’s our mission to help you achieve your fitness goals by making the most efficient use of your time with our bespoke personal training service. Our expert team of personal trainers deliver exceptional results for clients of different ages. Whether your goal is to lose fat, achieve a stunning body transformation or get fit and stay healthy, we’re ready to help.

Linea Directory News

February 2015 : Because of the high volume of website submissions the review queue for regulare listings is around 3 months.

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Directory Stats:

  • Average 7000 visitors/month.
  • Around 3000 websites added every month.
  • Every page indexed in major search engines.