Linea Directory

Temecula Carpet Cleaning

Title: Temecula Carpet Cleaning
Description: Our commitment is to provide Quality Carpet Care, Family Friendly Service, and Straight Forward Pricing. We collect the details aiming to give an Accurate Price you can count on. We want families to know what to expect when they choose Our Local Family Business, understanding our Advanced Cleaning Process and Cost of Service. The Biggest Challenge was to ensure we had the Best Organic Solution possible that could fight the deepest stains while being Environmentally Safe for the Families of Temecula Valley. It’s Organic, Plant-Based, Food-Grade, and Kills 99.9% of Bacteria within 30 seconds of contact. The EPA found Our Organic Solution has less toxicity than vinegar. Our Sanitation Process Improves the Air Quality in Your Home and It’s Safe for those who suffer from allergies and the chemically sensitive.

Linea Directory News

February 2015 : Because of the high volume of website submissions the review queue for regulare listings is around 3 months.

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Directory Stats:

  • Average 7000 visitors/month.
  • Around 3000 websites added every month.
  • Every page indexed in major search engines.